ONE Championship Fighter “Archangel” Reveals:

How Regular Guys Are Gaining Steel-Eyed Confidence, And The Ability To Turn Others Into Rag Dolls…

Using the “mind and body” fight system with simple yet ferocious fight tactics to dominate in any tricky situation… no matter what punk confronts you, and no matter what attack he uses.

Seriously, if you want the rare ability to humiliate bigger, stronger, and tougher opponents in seconds or less… to walk around with an air of confidence so powerful it can be sensed from a mile away… and radiate strength and authority just by the look in your eyes. 

Then we can begin your transformation inside the guided, 10-week…Archangel MMA Academy

A quick word of honesty: 

This is not some shady course where I show you “forbidden secret ninja fight moves” invented by some mystic shaolin master who fought tigers when he was 15, and say you can become feared overnight. (though some moves I show are quite “ninja” to be honest…you’ll see.)

Real transformation takes time, that’s why the program is ten weeks. But unlike most people who take years to feel confident in defending themselves, my goal is to make you confident in your hand-to-hand combat abilities against any punk on the street — as fast as possible — by optimising BOTH mind and body, which all elite level cage fighters focus on. 

(And all you need is at least 2 hours a week, a partner, and gloves!)

So if you want the ability to dominate opponents with the snap of your fingers, but you’re afraid of a little sweat and effort… best you leave this page.

The Archangel MMA Academy was made for men of warrior hearts.

These are the kind of people who I can help transform into warriors over the next ten weeks.. 

As they experience the true power of the mind and body secrets that I share. 

They are the ones who will come out with piercing eyes that show no fear… 

Have an air of confidence other people immediately notice when they walk in a room… 

And a new ability to toss or mangle ANYONE that tries to test them.

You can’t experience these changes (which are permanent by the way) overnight, so if you’re up to the challenge, then read on carefully.

Now since you’re a beginner reading this, I’d like to address a common issue I hear:

“But Anthony! Fighting seems tough… and I don’t want to get seriously injured." 

I hear you, as long as your partner isn’t a psycho you can practice all the moves on each other safely.

For those wondering whether fighting is right for you, know that when I started I was short (still am), skinny, and had no real fighting experience apart from drunk street fights.

You might have already heard how I got an ass-whoopin by BJJ kids who had just entered puberty. 

I could barely last ten seconds against those kids before they folded me like a piece of paper.

(I had already put on 10kg of muscle through weightlifting but still got my ass handed to me)

With 15 years of training MMA and of which 6 years as a pro fighter in one of the largest mixed martial arts organizations in the world, ONE Championship, I’ve picked up on many secrets that were critical for me to go head-to-head against other elite fighters.

With 3 KO's and 4 submission wins. Also holding a lightweight IFC Championship title.

As with any professional athletes, I’ve had my share of losses as well. I’ve had many strong opponents, and some have gone on to become world champions in their division.

(vs Christian Lee, LW & WW champion ONE Championship)

I’ve also had over a hundred Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Grappling fights that are not aired on TV. 

I’m not just a mixed martial artist, but also a coach who's taught martial arts to over 900 personal trainers in one of the largest fitness chains in Asia.

If you’d like to stalk me more, feel free to google my name...Anthony Engelen

Every respected fighter I know started in a similar position to me:

Weak, unskilled, and did I mention weak?

Our stories prove that no one begins “ready” when learning how to actually fight.

So you either become fight competent as soon as possible, or remain weak and unable to defend yourself like most people.

And most men are seriously weak in both mind and body.

Most men might go to the gym 2-3 times a month and play ball sports with their friends once in a while.

But none of them have the capacity for violence. 

Zero self defense skills…

So when shit hits the fan, ALL of our true selves are exposed…

For me at first, it’s getting beat up, humiliated, and humbled 

Then just like the rest, overwhelmed with fear, and freeze up when a tricky situation arises…

The only movement being the shivering in their boots…

When verbally provoked, they get shut down and look like they’re about to pee their pants.

Reacting submissively is natural when someone knows DEEP down that they have zero fighting ability and is threatened with violence. 

They either turn into a laughing stock, or others would lose respect and feel embarrassed for them. 

Like it or not, weakness in men is a recipe for being an easy target. The opposite of a warrior. 

Even in everyday social situations…

Your fear of conflict and feelings of weakness will destroy your confidence, which impacts how you behave. 

When you’re out and encounter a rowdy group of people you might feel intimidated and bothered by them…

Your everyday body language subtly projects weakness… 

I notice people even have trouble making eye contact (with strangers especially) because it just makes them feel uncomfortable… (again, projecting weakness) 

People can sense it, subconsciously. 

They tend to be seen as “just a nice guy” by other guys and women… or an insecure, deluded douche like my 22 year old self.

Being able to fight will give you peace no matter the situation…

And potentially deter conflict altogether because you genuinely come across as someone very sure of yourself.

That energy commands respect from men and lures women in.

And that is where the secrets of the “body” aspect of my fight system comes in.

But even more powerful, are the MIND secrets inside the Archangel MMA Academy 

It saddens me sometimes. 

To look around and see so many people just come back home after work… turn on the 8o’clock news station… and basically switch off their brain till next morning…

Living the same unmemorable days, over and over. 

POURING their gift of life down the drain.

What’s funny is, they’re SICK of that lifestyle, and yet…

They can’t find the motivation to change anything. 

No self-control, always sacrificing their dreams for pleasure in the moment.

Don’t even get me started on “New Year’s resolutions” which never get fulfilled.

Worst part? 

Somehow they think their goals will magically be attained…

Blink a couple times and these people will be in their rocking chair -- unable to think back to a single moment they could be proud of. 

If this bothers you, I want to make sure you’re NEVER trapped like this. 

Because the truth is… 

The average person has their mind working AGAINST them. 

Not saying you have to become an elite fighter, but if you want to seriously make anyone -- even other fighters -- your playtime, then you’re gonna need a stronger mind than them. 

They say “you are your worst enemy” and it’s true. 

Most people don’t know how to handle fear… lack of motivation… negativity… and their limiting beliefs. 

If you don’t BELIEVE you have what it takes to annihilate bigger opponents and other experienced fighters, you won’t DO what it takes.

If you have no control over your emotions, you won’t stay consistent with your plan… and like most people who only train when they’re “motivated”, they see laughable progress in the long term and end up looking back with regret. 

And trying to gain high competence in a new area can be scary, and others might not believe in you. If you can’t handle that, you could end up really depressed. 

High achievers, elite-level cage fighters, and other professional athletes have their mind on THEIR side. 

So use these secrets of the mind to quickly become a feared fighter.  

Or apply them into any other area of your life to have the success of your wildest dreams. 

Now that you see how the Archangel MMA Academy is offering real transformation

Let’s see EXACTLY what you’ll be getting inside shall we? 

I’ll start with the “body” aspect: 

  • If someone tells you ground-fighting is “gay”… immediately use this simple, easy combination that is guaranteed to take them down -- no matter their size -- and watch them go “oh shit!” as they turn into a vulnerable floppy fish on land.

  • How to hurl ANY man onto his back-- and break his nose at the end if you wish. (I don’t care if you’re only 90lbs soaking wet either-- in fact, the smaller you are the easier this move is to perform!)


  • The 7 “boring” -- and most overlooked -- moves elite fighters focus on DAILY that are most responsible for their success. Most fighters (especially those starting out) either neglect or never train these enough, and it causes them to stay at their current level for months, if not years.


  • A clever trick that will make your opponent lower his defence and kiss your devastating high kicks… and no it’s not faking (in fact, it’s more effective than that).


  • My 15-minute daily flexibility routine that allows me to perform any move in MMA effortlessly.


  • How to perform EPIC body shots that leave your opponent groaning on the floor in pain… (use my 2 favorite variations together with the 7 “boring” moves mentioned earlier to savagely overwhelm your opponent.)


  • How to punch like Mike Tyson -- it’s sneaky, and inflicts MORE damage using LESS energy. Mike knocked-out opponents in the 10th round before, and it’s not just his endurance that allows him to punch with such force after so many rounds… it’s his flawless technique. (once you see this, you’ll literally cringe at how sloppy the untrained person’s punches are… and even if they land, the damage inflicted is laughable compared to the professional’s).


  • How to use your elbows and knees to shatter an attacker’s jaw and damage organs without feeling an ounce of pain.


  • Shoves are the number one way conflict starts. Little do they know they are HANDing you control over their body… Here’s how to use the aggressor’s hand to FORCE him into an inescapable rear naked choke (on the ground or standing, your choice)… it’s simple, requires little to no strength, and all happens in the blink of an eye.


  • 2 “impossible to defend” maneuvers to toss ANY man -- who tries to sneak up from behind and restrain (or even CHOKE) you -- onto the ground!


  • Stagger your opponent EVERY single time. How to use fakes that are so convincing and so unpredictable that you’ll put your opponent in “analysis paralysis” mode -- unable to focus the whole match!


  • A tricky fake combination that when done right, could leave your opponent facing in the opposite direction -- back wide open for a beating! (takes a little practice, but done right and you’ll be able to land at least one clean shot anywhere you want… EVEN IF he’s quick to turn around.)


  • Never get tired in a fight! Build endurance and monster strength with some of my favorite bag/partner workouts.


  • How to instantly win a fight if you find yourself on the ground with a bigger opponent on top of you (I give you two options -- both cannot be countered and puts you in a position to either be the one on top, or tear his ACL and put him on crutches for weeks)


  • What to do if a MUCH bigger guy tackles you to the floor… here’s one -- possibly lethal -- technique even a “weak” 105 pound girl can use to put the man to sleep. (so simple I daresay it can be mastered in one try)


  • If the person still INSISTS groundwork is “gay”… use this dead-simple MMA sequence to take them down and cut off oxygen to their brain so they never say such things again. (leave ‘em squirming and wondering “how the f-- did I get here?!”)


  • How to use your HEAD to choke out your opponent if you get him to the ground (this move is so uncommon -- and I daresay easier than the popular rear naked choke -- that no untrained person will see this coming… guaranteed!)


  • And a LOT more…


So you know how to train like an elite fighter and turn your opponents into your rag doll… 

But that’s only HALF of the body component! 

Here’s how to get the “fighter’s physique” and KEEP it all year round. 

These parts will give you a healthy AND -- believe it or not -- happier relationship with food. And don’t worry, this part is really easy to do… 

  • Like to eat out a lot? Make these simple “tweaks” to your approach so you can eat nearly anything you want without worrying about gaining weight. (just look through my 2 page guide once and you’ll be “set for life”) 
  • 4 simple steps to eliminate cravings for good -- Discover how to get rid of the bad habits causing you to gain weight… as QUICKLY as today.


  • The best diet to stay combat ready? An in-depth look at the pros and cons of every common diet around today -- made simple to understand (and takes less than 10 minutes to read through). PLUS, tips on how to shore up on nutrient deficiencies likely caused by following certain diets, and critical principles to follow if you want to use any of those diets for weight loss.


Now let’s see what’s inside the secrets of “mindset” section…


  • Secrets to the elite fighter’s “inhuman” levels of self control. I reveal proven strategies EVERY elite athlete uses on a daily basis to easily resist any temptation that does not benefit their long term goals.


  • What is the winner’s mentality? My story of how I lost my first competition in the ONE Championship, how I dealt with that loss afterwards and came out on top in my next fight. (Your boy was smiling when the referee raised my opponents hand…)


  • The key to living a life of no regrets -- how to approach decision making (in a way nobody else does).


  • Why the Navy Seals, British Special Forces, and Commandos are feared and respected by anyone on the battlefield (it’s not because of their genetics, their weapons, or even their special training… but their way of thinking), and how you can gain such status among others in any area of your life.


  • A simple tweak in “negative speech patterns” which can mean the difference between never solving any problem you have in your life right now (whether it be money issues, relationship, or your fitness) and becoming free from it once and for all.


  • A secret “brain rewiring” exercise -- that takes just 2 minutes a day -- used by MMA champ Connor McGregor that made him believe he would be champion years before he even stepped into a cage. (Use this simple technique to destroy your limiting beliefs around any goal you want to achieve)

Im ready to make a change

Sign me up!

I know this might look like a hefty program. But everything is very concise and digestible.  

Each video I make ranges from 2-5 minutes, and the guides take about 5-10 minutes to go through. 

A couple videos will be released to you each week until week 10, so each week I’ll be revealing a new set of stuff for you to practice for that week. 

And if you take each week seriously… 

By the end of week 10 you’ll have the mind and body secrets of elite cage fighters! 

Imagine the natural confidence you’ll have walking around knowing that you can take on 97% of people with ease. 

Don’t be surprised if people “suddenly” act different around you too… 

People going silent when you speak… they begin asking for your opinion on things/advice on self defense… women behaving more feminine when you’re around… 

And of course, when a stranger looks into your eyes… 

They’ll know you’re not someone to mess around with. 


I would know. 

By combining your fight training with the mind secrets of a warrior, you’ll find yourself enjoying training more, having fast-tracked progress, and soon you’ll be able to take on guys that have been in the game for years. 

Or you can take the mindset and apply it to any area, and blow everyone’s mind as you accomplish what they would deem impossible. 

This is by far the most valuable information I’ve gained in my time as a pro MMA fighter.


Without the mind and body secrets I would have NEVER made it this far. 

I’d probably still be working that lame job while living with the fact that I got demolished by 16 year olds…  

I’ve taught some of what I know to the personal trainers I used to coach, and I’d charge $1000++ for that. 

As for personal coaching, I currently charge $100 for a single session. 

But I know I have followers all around the world, and I want others to experience the pride and joy of taking up MMA along with living out the warrior mindset. 

So you can have everything I know for a flat $300. 

And no, I don’t offer refunds. 


I know I might get lesser purchases because of this, but really, I don’t want half-hearted people joining my program. (I’d rather hear them shrieking and gasping when I say you’re gonna need to “put in a lil effort” or “no, you can’t ‘try before you buy’”)

The Archangel MMA Academy is a 10-week program, and I only want people inside who will go through the WHOLE thing and are serious about applying these secrets. 

Those are the people I want to help. I don’t want to have to deal with the rest. 

Also, if you think $300 is not worth picking up literally some of if not the most important skills a man should have… becoming strong and dangerous… having the mindset of a high achiever… and the knowledge to know how to care for your body right so you live longer and with more strength… 

Then you’re probably right, it’s not worth it. 

Because you’re not invested in yourself and probably too lazy to apply the info anyways. 

For those with warrior hearts, here’s more proof for ya:

Student testimonials

“I've trained with Anthony for just 2 months and the process was truly TRANSFORMATIONAL! I have not only lost weight but im much more productive and confident! For me MMA is not about fighting but it's a tool to figure out what you want in life and how to get the most out of it! Highly recommended if you have a busy schedule like me!”

Niko, 33 years old, Austria, Online Business Coach

“I've become more flexible with my busy job because i'm able to find more balance. The way Anthony explains the techniques is very detailed and his experience really shows there! I love his positivity which helps me to tackle my tasks in my normal life.”

Patrick, NL, 55 years old, Entrepeneur

“Watching the video's and then applying them at the gym has been really beneficial. I went from watching it to actually doing it! Quality content is what you're looking for. Anyone can put a course together but the stuff I watched ACTUALLY helps! ”

Jordan, USA, 30 years old, military contractor

“I always enjoyed watching martial arts, UFC, K1, One Championship. And because you are a part of ONE, and I have watched your fights it got me interested to know more about your course. I got bored with just regular workouts and now doing MMA and learning from an actual fighter is just so cool. The video’s are really well made and you guide me through it perfectly! Together with the mindset exercises this is really a complete package. ”

Luc, Switzerland, 50 years old, Financial Advisor

“At first I was a bit hesitant before signing up. I wasn’t sure about Anthony’s credentials and whether he would be able to help me achieve my goals. But after I did a bit of online research, man this guy is no joke! After that I even took a call with him and I signed up straight after! Thank you! ”

Paul, NL, 50 years old, DJ

“If you are ready to learn from one of the best!? Then send Anthony a message now! Thanks Anthony!”

Agenk, Indonesia, 25 years old, Healthcare

So what’ll it be? 

Are you going to leave this page and live with the fact that you can’t defend yourself? 

Have that destory your confidence and lose out on a level of status where everyone sees you as an authority, and someone they can feel SAFE around? 

Are you going to let your mind be your greatest enemy instead of your greatest ally? 

Or maybe… 

You want to figure it all out on your own. 

Cool, I mean that’s what I did. But I really wish I had something like this when I first started, which is why I created it. 

Even with all the great coaches I’ve had, a lot of this info I had to figure out on my own or from other experts. Especially the “mind” aspect and how to eat like a professional fighter. 

Personally, it took me over 10 years to acquire everything in this 10 week program. 

But if you wish to join me in the Archangel MMA Academy? 

Everything you need to turn confrontation into playtime even if they have more experience than you (with the exception being the pros who dedicate their life to fighting), how to think like an elite athlete, and how to eat like one. 

You’re getting a MMAssive headstart (I should be a comedian)... I’m talking months, if not years ahead of where I was. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Archangel MMA Academy? 

Geez, go back and read the page… 

It’s a 10 week program that will give you everything you need to turn confrontation into playtime even if they have more experience than you (with the exception being the pros who dedicate their life to fighting), how to think like an elite athlete, and how to eat like one. 

Why is it 10 weeks long? 

Because real change takes time, but this is the fastest way I know how to give people the results they want. 

Don’t join if you’re just looking to learn a few fight tricks, you won’t get the full value. I only want people who are after transformation. So if you’ve got any ounce of warrior heart… join me. 

What do I need to start? 

The minimum is a partner, boxing/MMA gloves, and wrist wraps. If you don’t have a heavy bag, you can replace the heavy bag work I show with hitting your partner’s gloves. 

Pro tip: You can also split the cost of this program with your partner! 

I don’t like you Anthony, I think I’ll buy X fighter’s program instead. 

Woah… calm down now Spanky. 

Sure, there are plenty of people who can teach you how to fight. 

But just so you know, as I said before, I don’t just show you how to fight. I’ve learned so much more than that throughout my career as a fighter. 

Secondly, I’m also a coach. Most fighters may be good, but that doesn’t mean they are good coaches. Asides from coaching both beginners and pro fighters on a daily basis, I’ve taught over 900 personal trainers in one of the largest fitness chains across Asia to incorporate MMA into their personal training programs. 

So even if you join the Archangel MMA Academy just for the fight skills, this I can say with confidence is the fastest way to pick them up. 

Enough talk. If you’re ready to gain steel-eyed confidence and the ability to turn bigger, stronger, and tougher opponents into rag dolls, I’ll see you inside!